Scenario 2 - "Infected Trees"
"Examining the bodies of the zombies, along with
the other clues from the village, left little doubt.
The village had been attacked by some horrific
species of giant spider, whose venom reanimated
the dead. Thankfully, such creatures move slowly.
Likely, they will have retreated to the nearest
shelter to slowly feast upon the missing villagers.
Your duty is clear. Taking just enough time
to patch up your wounds, and make a quick
pyre for the dead, you set off after the spiders,
following their faint, but unique tracks. After
nearly a day’s pursuit, the tracks lead into a small
forest. Chances are the spiders are not too deep in
the woods. You must find them, destroy them and
any nests they might have made, and, if you are
lucky, rescue any survivors."
As the weary rangers crest a small hill, they see a small but ancient looking forest.
"This is the first forest we've run into in more than a day," Tem-Sin says.
Hassan replies, "Good place for a spider to hang out."
"Aye, they're in there," Hoffgar agrees.
The rangers unsheathe their weapons and proceed cautiously into the forest, quickly loosing sight of the tracks in the darkness of the forest.
Derrick, desperate to reclaim his pride, and that of Nora, he trots ahead of the group. He immediately spots a spider, and looses an arrow, missing entirely once again. He sighs, hoping no one else noticed.
Tem-Sin and Hassan spring into action. Spying the first cocoon, they make a dash towards it. As Tem-Sin runs, he casts his armor spell upon his two comrades. Hassan in the lead, smashes his halberd directly into the fleshy abdomen of the spider guarding the sack.
Hoffgar, Molly, and Bruce split off for another nearby cocoon.
Hoffgar laughs, "Hurry up lads, they can't take all the fun!"
Tem-Sin rips the cocoon open before to reveal a moaning zombie, which reaches out towards him. Hassan immediately comes to his defense, slashing the zombie's arm clean off, he then watches as the zombie shows no sign of stopping.
"Well that was close," Tem-Sin says.
"You owe me one," Hassan replies.
Meanwhile, Derrick carefully aims, he takes his time, and lets fly a true arrow...this time. It strikes a spider directly between its many eyes.
"I got one!" Derrick exclaims, louder than intended, "Did you see?"
The other group approaches another cocoon and quickly Bruce dispatches a spider lurking beside it, while Molly rips the sack reveal yet another zombie. Bruce reacts with the instinct of a seasoned brawler and cuts the head of the zombie clean off.
"My-lady," he says coolly. Molly sniffs, and gives no other reaction.
With Hassan and the zombie locked in combat, Tem-Sin doesn't notice the web trap until he walks right into it, entangling himself hopelessly.
Tem-Sin grunts in annoyance as he struggles to free himself.
Hassan destroys the zombie and helps Tem-Sin out of his sticky situation with a few well aimed slashes of this knife. The companions regroup and continue on, systematically disposing of both cocoon and spiders with ease.
Hoffgar coolly loads his crossbow and slays a lurking spider. Derrick repeats the scene with his own bow, and then he sees something glinting in the faint light beside the dead spider.
"Well well, what have we here?" Derrick exclaims, "A little bonus pay for me!"
Ahead they spot the looming nest trees.
Bruce says, "Lets put these nests to the torch and be done with this! I'm hungry!"
Tem-Sin, "Agreed, let us be done with this foul business."
"A survivor!" Bruce exclaims as he rips open the last cocoon.
"All this way and we've only one!" Derrick whines.
Molly, in the midst of burning a nest, replies sternly, "One is better than none."
"Aye lass," Hoffgar agrees.
As the smoke drifts around them, the companions huddle together and watch the fires burn.
Tem-Sin says, "We need to return to Tallis and report our findings immediately."
Hassan nods, "We've done all we can here."
Molly wraps her arm around the shivering survivor, "We need to get this poor soul back to safety."
With that the group begins to make their way south towards the capital.
Scenario 2: Battle report
Notes: 1 day pursuit of spiders, Track roll ( Tem-Sin failed with a roll 7), and a survivor roll by Hoffgar (roll 5)= fail.
Turn 1-
K- Derrick moves and shoots spider, Derrick (roll 12)/spider (roll 12)= miss. Tem-Sin casts "Split Cast" on Hassan/Derrick and cast "Armor" on them both, then moves into base contact with a spider. Hassan bases spider, Hassan (roll 21)/Spider (roll 19)= Spider killed.
P- Hoffgar cast armor on Molly and moves. Bruce moves into contact with cocoon. Molly moves.
Creature phase- all spiders move.
Event Card- Red Ace- 1 spider randomly at a table edge
Turn 2-
K- Tem-Sin move into contact with cocoon, opens (roll 16) = 1 zombie. Hassan move to zombie and attacks, Hassan (roll 18)/Zombie (roll 18)= no damage (tie). Derrick move and shoot spider, Derrick (roll 14)/Spider (roll 11)= spider killed.
P- Hoffgar cast strength on Bruce and move into contact with a cocoon. Bruce bases spider and attacks, Bruce (roll 20 crit)/spider (roll 2)= spider killed. Molly move and open cocoon= (roll 18=zombie).
Creature phase- Hassan (roll 14)/Zombie (roll 16)= Hassan takes 3 damage. Bruce (roll 20 crit)/ zombie (roll 13)= zombie killed. Bruce (roll 22)/Spider (roll 15)= spider killed. Hassan (roll 8)/spider (roll 7)= no damage.
Event Card - Red 4= Web= Web entangled with Tem-Sin.
Turn 3-
K- Tem-Sin roll fail, stuck in web. Hassan (roll 23)/Zombie (roll 17)= zombie killed. Hassan moves.
P- Hoffgar move and shoot crossbow at spider, Hoffgar (roll 14)/spider (roll 1)= spider killed. Bruce bases cocoon. Molly moves.
Creature Phase= N/A
Event Phrase- Red 5= nest tree added with 1 spider and 1 treasure token.
Turn 4-
K-Tem-Sin web (roll 2)= stuck in web!!! Derrick shoot spider, Derrick (roll 15)/Spider (roll 2)= Spider killed, Derrick move and base treasure. Hassan move and base tree.
P- Bruce open cocoon( roll 12)= survivor and move. Molly move to tree and burn. Hoffgar move and reload.
Creature Phase= N/A
Event Card = Red 6= Ray of light , N/A no spiders.
Turn 5-
K- Tem-Sin Web roll= (roll 13) finally free!!! move and base cocoon. Derrick pick up treasure and burn tree. Hassan move and burn tree.
P- Bruce move and burn tree. Hoffgar move and burn tree. Molly moves.
Creature Phase= N/A
Event Card = Red 2= 1 spider added.
Turn 6-
K- Tem-Sin open cocoon (roll 6) =dead body. Hassan move and open cocoon (roll 3)= dead body. Derrick shoot spider, Derrick (roll 20 crit)/spider (roll 1)= killed spider.
Stop at end of round 6.
Spider/zombies killed = 20xp
Cocoons= 20xp
Trees= 25xp
No trees left on board= 8xp
Survivors= 10xp
Total = 83xp
Treasure roll= (roll 12)= herb table= (roll 3)= Fire-heart Green, given to Tem-Sin.