Friday, April 8, 2016

USMC vs IJA CoC Delaying action Guadalcanal

USMC vs IJA CoC Delaying action Guadalcanal

Kati(my wife) and I decided to give WW1 a break (mostly because we need to build some buildings) and get in an early WW 2 pacific game.  We used the Too Fat Lardies Chain of Command rules which are quickly becoming the house favorite.  We planned a standard game and rolled for scenario and got delaying action.  I went with the IJA (Imperial Japanese Army) and was the attacker and Kati got out her marines which we haven't seen in over a year  and disclaimer we forgot they weren't based!


The standard IJA platoon of 1942 was the Type B.  The rules for which can be found on the TFL website.  Here is the Breakdown

Lt. senior leader
Sergeant senior leader

Knee mortar squad consisting of:
3 four man knee mortar teams

3 LMG squads consisting of:
3 man LMG
9 rifles

For support I took a Chi-Ha medium tank and a pre-game barrage.
force moral 8

The Standard Platoon for the USMC in 1942 was the type D.  You will not it is not as refined as the later platoons will be.

LT. senior leader
Sarge Senior leader 

3 rifle squads consisting of:
BAR team BAR and 1 rifle
6 rifles

1 BAR squad consisting of:
2 BAR teams 1 BAR and 1 rifle
3 Rifles

for support Kati took a Sniper team and a Bazooka team
Force moral 11

As we put this game in Guadalcanal the Marines still haven't been equipped with M1 grands yet and you will have to ignore the M1s and sweet helmet camo on the models.

Map layout was a pretty simple jungle layout with some large rocks and a stream. Our 2 year old Jim watches intently dreaming of the day he can beat mommy at minis.

The patrol phase saw my jump-off  points not as far up as I would have liked but hoping that the pre-game barrage will buy me some time.

Kati was in a pretty good position with her points since she needed to defend the back one.

Turn 1

Kati got first phase and rolled 5,5,5,3,1 which really isn't the best first phase.  Her BAR squad failed to arrive but she did get her sniper on the table.


My first phase treated me much better.  I was able to deploy mortars on the right and LMG squad 1 and 2 (left and center) go tactical with all of them and deploy my sarge as well.

Katis roll looks promising 5,4,3,3,1 until again all of her squads fail to arrive.  I guess those Marines were took a little freaked out their first time under a bombardment.  The sniper takes a shot at LMG squad one with no effect.

My phase sees as 3 deployed squads move up with the Mortars getting into position in a nice wood overlooking the Marine deployment area.

Phase 3 finally sees some Marines enter the table, rifle squad 2 arrives just in time to lay down fire on my LMG squad 1

No kills but 5 shock! this stops my squad in its tracks!  Two other Marine squads fail to enter and Kati is praying for the end of a turn.

The next phase sees my Chi-ha enter and well as another LMG squad. Kati is embarrassed to be in command of her marines.

I continue my relentless advance.

 Kati scores double 6s and gets two phase in a row and enough 5s to end the turn.  She deploys her BAR squad and they start a game long fire fight with my mortars. Her sniper scores a kill on the mortars as well.

Turn 2

My first phase of the turn doesn't see a lot of movement but my mortars and LMGs start laying down fire of their own.

Kati deploys all of her remaining squads and they prepare to draw out the fight.

The next couple phases sees me concentrate on her lead unit, which I pin down while she beats on my mortars.

Here is the last shot before things start to fall apart fast...for one of us.

Thanks to fire from 2 LMG squads and my Chi-ha, her front unit breaks and runs straight through her next unit which throws some shock on them as well.  

My advance continues with the Marines throwing as much fire as  they can on my troops.

Kati manages to break my mortar squad. This hurts my moral a ton because she wounds the NCO they breaks the squad putting me to a 4 moral

My men move up to the spot that her front line use to occupy. ... Kati and her maries knows whats coming but, can they stop it?

I finally roll double 6s and decide it is time to need the stand off and start to move in for the expected melee.

The ensuing melee is a one sided affair the Marines kill only guy and wound my NCO.  There is still one guy in my way...her LT.

So we finish him off and end the turn with a Chain of Command dice.  This ends the game with a IJA victory!

The final layout of the table.

Overall another fun game, the barrage really gave me the time I needed to advance and Kati may have worried about my mortars a little too much.  Next time we play this theater we plan on doing 1944 which will put the Marines in a much better position. 

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