Saturday, December 10, 2016

Old Hickory part 3

Old Hickory Part 3

Kati and I finally found time to get in our third game of the old hickory campaign today and it was interesting...just not in an exciting way.  I'll follow our traditional format for this post but it will be a pretty brief entry.

As per the last two turns I(the americans) divided up my forces between the 3 routes Kati and her Germans can attack.  But unlike the last game where she attacked where I didn't expect it, this time I was ready.

The German attack was on area 2 of red ladder.

The map which we took directly from the campaign guide was interesting.  As we put it together we both noted how open it was and how that was similar to our last game.  One must wonder (as these maps are based off real maps from the fight) if this openness was part of the reason the Germans had such a hard time taking this area.

I was pretty happy with my forces guarding this area.  I had platoon two and its two fresh squads plus 2 of the 3" AT guns a .30 cal mmg, 2 Lt.s, a mortar observer, and a medical orderly.  

Opposing me was Kati's fresh full strength 3rd platoon  supported by a Pz IV and a forward observer.  These German Panzergrenadier platoons with the 2 mg42 teams can really lay down the fire.

The patrol phase did not have a lot of surprises in it.  Kati ended up with one jump off point south of the road and 2 in the hedges to the north.  And I got one jump off point behind each of the hedge sections on my side of the table.

The scenario only required you to force your opponent of the table via force moral and hold one's' own morale above 3,  Kati had learned several lessons last game and she put that knowledge to good use.

Early game saw us both taking advantage of the hedges on either side of the field

I quickly deployed my 3" AT guns and .30 cal and started to throw HE rounds into the Germans in the hedgerows.

Kati filled the hedges with MGs in the north and used her southern jump off point to try and move up a flanking force.

A few good(and lucky) busts left one of my guns pinned and basically out of the game right off the bat. 

Her mortars ranging shot(green token) was  right on and before I could move the .30 cal completely free of the area a barrage came down on them and the 3" AT gun.  Luckily I had a CoC point and quickly ended the turn before I lost too many men.

And then my men moved right back up. Thanks to my Lt. moving over to make it happen.

The Pz IV entered the table and started hammering my forward obsever who was where my AT gun had been knocked out.

I had one good shot with my AT gun at the tank before he could respond and it dinged off the armor.(the tank is waaaay down the road).

Then my gun was knocked out.

Kati's southern squad attacked and started to pound my troops from yet another angle.

I moved my 2nd squad up to the hedge and a ranging shot quickly fell in their midst.

and I couldn't get away.

My first platoon(pictured bottom center) was reduced to 3 men and Kati's troops were moving up the road when I ordered the retreat. Another sound victory for the Germans.  German losses were 5 men and American losses were 10 men and the 2 AT guns.  Not a good day for the red white and blue, this means the road into the town is open and the next fight will be for the town itself.

Kati played well, she targeted my AT guns early and hunkered down with her MG42s for a long range fire fight knowing her squads have a lot more firepower than mine in a straight fight. For me this was a rough game and I wonder if a more aggressive approach was in order.  I was hoping to repeat turn 2 by playing a defensive game and it cost me.

Next time we take the fight into the village and I hope it isn't the final round of the campaign(because that would mean the Americans couldn't hold).


  1. That was a fun read, thanks for posting.

    And sorry man, but she didn't just kick your butt! She did it while holding the baby! ;)

    Looking forward to the fight in the town, hope it goes better for you.


    1. I just let her win! ;) But seriously since we started gaming together a couple years ago Kati has really become quite the wargamer, I need to be more careful when we play

    2. I understand! I've lost both to the wife and a six (now seven) year-old boy. It's funny how they take an interest in getting better after you ever so slightly rub their nose in your victory ;)

