Saturday, July 17, 2021

AOS 3rd edition game 1

 Grushnag encounters the Stormcast

So the climax of turn one of the Animosity campaign for Kati and I was the first Clash of our new armies.

With the starter divide I went Orruks and Kati went Stormcast.  Both are very different from our other armies. Mine being Beast of Chaos, and Slaves to Darkness and hers being Nurgle. 

I did a little intro story for my forces which is will link here 

Our Forces came in at 1370 and 1355 respectably

 Were are painting units as we go with the campaign so I am sorry about all the white but my force consisted of:

 Allegiance: Big Waaagh!  Grand Strategy: Vendetta 


 Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof (200)

Killaboss with Stab-grot (140)

Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot (125) 

Murknob with Belcha-banna (115)


2x Gutrippaz units

1 reinforced Boltboyz

2x Hobgrot units

I had a warlord and battle regiment core battalion. 

 Kati took her storm cast as Knights Excelsior and her Grand strategy was dominating presence.







2x  Vindictors



We rolled for battleplan and got Apex Predator

The objectives are yellow and a bit hard to see. taken and holding objectives was a hero only task in the battleplan. While overall I am loving 3rd edition these scenarios the demand only certain units holding or capping objectives are not my favorite. 

Setup left us basically mirroring each other with our big heroes destined to do battle while the grunts waged a similar war.

Turn 1:

P: battle tactic: aggressive expansion: fail

K: Battle tactic: monstrous takeover: fail

P: cast boggy mist. Boltboyz all out attack, the praetors: one praetor took 2 wounds. 

Total: P: 2pts

K: cast stormcaller: succeed.

Annihilators enter, and do 2 damage to great gnashtooth, kill one boltboyz,and 1 gutrippaz.

Ranged attack Imperator: kill 2 boltboyz.

Ranged attack yndrasta: fail.

Charges: vindicators and lord imperative charge gutrippazs.

Annihilators fail their charge twice!!

Yndrasta charge gnashtooth.

Attack: vindicators kill 2 gutrippers, gutrippers kill two vindicators. Yndrasta does 3 damage to gnashtooth, gnashtooth gives 2 damage to yndrast. Lord imperative greyhound do a combined killing of 2 gutrippers. 

Total: K: 1 pts, P: 2pts

The blow by blow shows it all.  the highlight of the turn was the Annihilators failing to charge even with the reroll

Turn 2: 

P: battle tactic: conqueror  

K: battle tactic: broken ranks

P: cast failed.

Ranged: hobgrots do zero damage to yndrasta, boltjoyz do 2 damage to lord imperator.

Charge: hobgrots charge yndrasta, killaboss charge lord imperator.

Attack: killaboss does 1 wound to lord imperator. Vindicators kill 2 gut rippers, 2 left,  gnashtooth kills yndrasta. Lord imperatent does 1 damage to killaboss. 2 gutrippazs attack vindicators for 1 wound. Bravery rolls, lose 1 gutrippaz.

Total: P: 4, K: 1pts

K: Knight vexillor returns 2 dead vindicators to the field. Cast: mystic shield on vindicators.

Ranged: fail.

Charge: Vinicators charge gut rippers, Annihilators charge gnashtooth and explode killing gnashtooth leader, praetors charge hobgrots.

Attack: vindacators attack gutrippers killing 2,  killaboss does 5  wounds to lord imperator, praetors attack hobgrots killing all ten in the unit…:( ...murknob attacks the Annihilators killing 1: he explodes doing 3 damage to bannerman,  lord imperator kills killaboss, Annihilators attack murknob bannerman doing 2 wounds, gutrippers attack vindacators killing 2 vindicators who explode killing one gutripper, vindcators kill last gutripper. 

Battleshock: lose 2 gutrippers. 

Total: K: 4, P:4

This turn started off great for me with me quickly taking out Yndrasta, but after that it was all down hill. I lost unit after unit

By the end of the turn I was down to some boltboyz and a few Gutrippazs and I saw the writing on the wall.  Grushnag and his Slickboyz slipped off the field in a shampcalla mist to fight another day(well thats how I imagined it, it was really just me sadly moving my models to the side)

The table at the end of the game. 

While not a very eventful game it did fell good to get out the dice again.  With me teaching kati 3rd edition even 2 turns took us a while.  I will be interested to see how the rematch turns out.

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