Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Mission 1- The Search: Scenario 1- "Deserted Village"

Mission 1- The Search

"It has been less than a week since the destruction of Lorenthia and the appearance of the Shadow Deep but, in that time, the world has seemingly gone mad. Reports of strange creatures, and evil, robed men are flooding in from all along the new border. Even with every soldier, ranger, and volunteer mobilized, the kingdom is stretched thin. Three days ago, a veteran ranger by the name of Aventine went out to investigate reports of an attack on a nearby village. He has not returned. Determined to find the missing ranger, you have gathered what companions you can and set off for the village. It’s an eight-hour hike over difficult terrain."

 Scenario 1- Deserted Village

"As soon as you came within sight of the nameless village, you knew that something wasn’t right. There was no sound of man or animal, no movement except for the gentle swaying of the trees in the breeze. Closer in, you could see bodies lying in the dirt and smell the stench of death. Undaunted, you covered your face and carried on. Whatever happened here, it was your duty to try to discover the truth, and, if possible, determine the fate of Aventine. You had just reached the center of the village, and were about to split up to search, when a horrible moaning sound came from all around."

After a near eight hour trek the rangers can finally see the village from where Aventine last reported.
The group enters the village, weapons in hand. "Lads there is something off about this," Hoffgar mutters cautiously.  By the time they reach the center of the village they are all completely on edge. "There are bodies everywhere, but what could have done something like this!" Hassan exclaims.
"That is what we are here to find out," says Tem-Sin. Hoffgar points, "Tem, that body over there looks familiar."
Just then they all hear moaning sounds from all around them. Tem-Sin yells, "Form a circle!"

Rising from the ground the dead begin to head straight towards them. 
"Wa..wa..WHAT are those!! Derrick stutters out.
"I don't know, but I plan on making sure they go back to being dead." says Hoffgar.
"We need to figure out what happened here quick before more arrive," Tem-Sin says pointedly
With that they all break into action.

Tem-Sin races over to the body that Hoffgar pointed out and rolls it over, only to have to step back as the zombie begins to move and swing at him.

Derrick fires an arrow at an approaching zombie but his shaking makes the arrow miss completely. After seeing Derricks miss, Hassan prepares to intercept the foul creature.

Hoffgar looks at Molly who has been completely silent up to this point and as he casts his armor spell on her, he asks,"Are you ready lass?"
Her answer comes in the form of her grimly chanting an incantation and launching a perfectly placed magic bolt that knocks the head off of a zombie.
"Yes" she says.  Hoffgar can't help but chuckle as he heads into the fray.

After dispatching a zombie near the town church Tem-Sin, Hassan and Molly begin frantically searching the village for clues as to what happened. Tem-Sin breaks open a house to discover some extremely strange tracks.

Hassan  rounds a corner and yells in a choked voice "I've found Aventine, or least what's left of him.  Molly turns a corner and shrieks as she stumbles onto a mutilated corpse.  "I've found something too! But no sword did this!"

As all this is going on Derrick is still standing where he was when the battle began, shaking, with a look of terror on his face.

Hoffgar and Bruce took the southern end of the village.  Hoffgar made it only a dozen feet before more zombies and a huge rat charged right at him.  Using his mighty two handed axe and a few tricks he was able to dispatch them with only a rat bite on his toe to show for it.

Bruce was trained to kill and that's what he did.  Charging straight at a zombie, he sliced through it, and then a rat tried to ambush him.

As he rounds a house, much to his surprise, he finds a villager still alive cowering behind a barrel. "Get up, lets go," Bruce hollars.
"...yyyoou mean fight them?!" Bruce looked at the man with a cold expression "Do you want to live? If so.. fight."

Right then another group of zombies attacked.  The peasant grabbed his hay rake and followed Bruce. Bruce watched in shock at the peasant swung his rake, stumble and left himself completely open to the zombie. The zombie grabbed the peasant and the poor farmer was no longer among the living. Bruce shook his head, "Huh guess I was wrong."

After a few more minutes of fighting the town was finally quite again. Hoffgar looked at Tem-Sin, "Well what have you concluded?"
"The Tracks, the bodies, the undead, it all points the the same thing. Spiders."
"This far south?  I have never heard of something like this so deep into the kingdom." Hoffgar says as he stares to the north.
"Spiders that make the dead come alive?!" questions Hassan.
"The undead here have a venom running through them that looks like spider venom I can only assume that it is the reason they are being reanimated. The appearance of the Shadow Deep and the events of this village cannot be just coincidence."  Tem-Sin explains as he draws some of the venom from a zombie.
"We must find these spiders and stop them before someone else is hurt!" Molly states matter of factually.
"And we will lass, their prints are easy enough to follow," says Hoffgar.
Derrick looks over, "Your kidding right? We aren't actually going to try to find them?"
Tem-Sin and Hoffgar ignore the comment as they gather up their stuff and begin heading north out of the village.  As everyone walks by the dumbfounded archer, Bruce puts a hand on his shoulder.  "Boss says we kill spiders then we kill spiders."  With that, Bruce grins at him with a smile like a leaking bucket and begins to follow suit.

Full Battle Report:Scenario 1

Turn 1

K- Tem-Sin got to the clue- (roll 19)- clue=zombie appears, Derrick fires at zombie, misses.

P- Hoffgar cast "armor" on Molly, and move three inches. Bruce throws dagger at rat, misses. Molly throws magic bolt at zombie (roll crit 20), killed zombie.

Creature phase- Tem-Sin (roll 20 crit)/zombie= kill zombie. Hassan=kill zombie. Rat moves towards Bruce.

Event Card= Red 8= Terror. Derrick (roll 5) he is TERRIFIED!

Turn 2

K- Derrick/Tem-Sin move towards clue.

P- Bruce kill Rat, then moves into contact with a zombie. Molly moves twice. Hoffgar attacks zombie, parries, and steps back.

Creature Phase- Bruce/Zombie=zombie killed. Hothgar/zombie= no damage (H wins combat). Hoffgar/rat= no damage (rat wins combat).

Event Card= Red 3 - zombies (2 zombies enter two table edges randomly.)

Turn 3

K- Derrick shoots at zombie and misses. Hassan moves to clue, (roll 1). BODY OF AVENTINE!! (roll 4 fail, so no magic sword.) Tem-Sin move to door of building (strength roll 15) breaks door!

P- Bruce move towards clue. Molly moves toward a clue. Hoffgar/zombie= zombie killed.

Creature Phase- Hoffgar (roll 12)/ Rat (roll 14)= 3 damage to Hoffgar, no disease.

Event Card= Red 2= (2 zombies at random table edge).

Turn 4

K- Tem-Sin enter building and touches clue (roll 7)= strange tracks. Tracks discovered and nature determined. Hassan moves. Derrick shoots zombie and misses again.

P- Molly moves and touches clue (roll 10) finds mutilated body, survival roll (passes), and determines nature. Bruce touches clue (roll 6) =survivor found. Hoffgar (roll 3)/ Rat (roll 13)= 2 damage to Hoffgar and no disease.

Creature Phase- Hoffgar (roll 13)/ Zombie (roll 8)= Hoffgar uses "powerful blow"= zombie killed. Hoffgar (roll 17)/ Rat (roll 11)= rat killed.

Turn 5

K- Tem-Sin move out of building. Hassan move and attack zombie, Hassan (roll 21)/Zombie (roll 20) =zombie killed. Derrick move and shoot zombie, Derrick (roll 13)/zombie (roll 12)= 1 damage to zombie.

P- Hoffgar move to building door. Bruce (roll 16)/Zombie (roll 12)=4 damage to zombie. Survivor(roll 9)/Zombie (roll 14)= 4 damage to survivor (has 1 life left).

Creature Phase- Survivor( roll 10)/Zombie (roll 14)=survivor killed. Bruce (roll 16)/zombie (roll 14)= zombie killed.

Companion phase- Molly will move.

Event Card- Red 5- Giant Rat appears against building base contact with Hassan.

Turn 6

K- Tem-Sin move into Hassan's combat. Tem-Sin (roll 22)/rat (roll 9)= rat killed. Hassan stays put. Derrick move and shoot zombie, Derrick (roll 3)/ zombie (roll 5)= he misses shot.

P- Molly moves. Hoffgar strength test against door= pass, breaks door!! He touches clue (roll 13), finds a treasure. Bruce (roll 1)/zombie (roll 11)= no damage.

Creature phase- Bruce (roll 16)/zombie (roll 9)= zombie has 1 life left.

Event Phase- Red Ace= 4 zombies placed at starting zombie locations.

Turn 7

K- Hassan moves and attacks zombie, Hassan (roll 15)/zombie (13)=zombie has 1 life left. Tem-Sin move and attack zombie, Tem-Sin(roll 15)/ zombie (roll 5)= zombie killed. Derrick shoot zombie, Derrick (roll 7)/zombie (roll 5)= no damage.

P- Bruce(roll 3)/zombie(roll 19)= Bruce take 7 Damage!! Hoffgar pick up treasure and move out building. Molly moves twice.

Creature phase- Derrick with dagger at (-1) (roll 19)/Zombie (roll 9)= zombie dies. Bruce(roll 4)/zombie (roll 3)= no damage. Hoffgar (roll 3)/zombie (roll 8)= no damage.

Event card =Red 4 (n/a no more clues left to place something by)

Turn 8

K- Derrick shoot zombie, Derrick (roll 22)/zombie (roll 11)= zombie killed. Tem-Sin/ Hassan stay put.

P- Molly heal Bruce (+5). Bruce (roll 13)/zombie (roll 1)= zombie killed. Hoffgar (roll 2)/zombie (roll 7)= no damage.

Creature Phase- Hoffgar (roll 20)/zombie (roll 15)= zombie killed.

Zombie/Rat= 16= 32xp
Clues = 30xp
Aventine Body= 12xp
Tracks= 6 xp
Mutilated body= 6xp

Treasure Roll=16= weapon= light hand weapon, given to Bruce.

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